The Vector in Equilibrium is the masculine aspect and generating centre of the "Flower of Life". It has exactly 13 vertices; a central one, plus the outer ones that define the 12 directions in space (the 12 energetic archetypes).
The Equilibrium Vector is the only geometry and possibility among all the possibilities that harbors a perfect balance of forces. It is the only configuration in which the length of the polyhedral edges is equal to the radial distance from its center of gravity to any vertex.
The Pyrite is the quartz of abundance, power and prosperity. It strengthens and empowers masculine energy; it enhances productivity, order and structure.
Helps to increase security and self-confidence, stops energetic leakage from the physical body and aura. Expands and structures mental functions.
It strengthens the digestive system, neutralizes toxins, stimulates cell formation and repairs DNA.
The Hematite is particularly effective in settling, protecting and harmonizing mind, body and spirit. It protects the soul and links it to the body during astral travel.
It has a powerful yang element, balances the meridians and dissolves negativity, preventing negative energies from entering the aura.
- Psychologically it gives support to shy women, expands self-esteem and survival instinct. It boosts willpower, reliability and confidence.
- Mentally it stimulates concentration and focus, enhances memory and original thoughts.
- Physically, hematite has a powerful connection to the blood and is suggested for use at the base and top of the spine.
It should not be used for long periods of time.
The Silver is a bright white metal and is the best electrical conductor among metals.
The shine of this metal symbolizes Moonlight, and as such, it is related to our deepest emotions and can store information about the inner world of the wearer.
It is a powerful protector, as it distributes, neutralizes and eliminates negative energy from any source.
It helps to enhance dreams making them more lucid, beneficial and productive.
Being related to the moon and emotions, it stimulates clairvoyance and extrasensory perceptions and is the perfect ally to release negative emotions and tensions.