The Vector in Equilibrium is the masculine aspect and generating centre of the "Flower of Life". It has exactly 13 vertices; a central one, plus the outer ones that define the 12 directions in space (the 12 energetic archetypes).
The Equilibrium Vector is the only geometry and possibility among all the possibilities that harbors a perfect balance of forces. It is the only configuration in which the length of the polyhedral edges is equal to the radial distance from its center of gravity to any vertex.
The Red Jasper is used since Roman times as a lucky talisman, they assured that if they wore a red jasper they were much more likely to win in battles. Now we understand it clearly, because we know that the Red Jasper works and stimulates the first chakra. "Strength and Vitality".
Virtues of Red Jasper:
A good protector is the red jasper, which blocks all dark energy coming from spells, witchcraft or evil spells, rejects them and sometimes even works as a mirror, returning such negative energies, it also offers protection to travelers.
Eliminate fears:
Another important benefit obtained by the wearers of red jasper, is to eliminate all kinds of fear that paralyzes a person, fear to undertake, fear to take a step, fear to confess something to another person, fear to make a decision, all kinds of fear can be erased from your mind thanks to the red jasper. It helps to remove all those thoughts of negativity and see things from an always optimistic point of view.
Amethyst is an extraordinarily powerful and protective stone, with a high spiritual vibration as it promotes love for the divine.
It protects from psychic attack, transmuting energy into love, it is a natural tranquilizer and beneficial for the mind, relaxing or stimulating it as needed, which is why it is recommended in cases of overactive mind or insomnia.
- On a mental level: It is highly recommended to meditate and work with the sixth chakra, related to the third eye, as it opens the intuition, facilitating decision making.
- On an emotional level: Dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety; Relieves sadness and the grief, as it helps to integrate the losses.
- On a physical level: It boosts hormone production, relieves pain and relaxes muscle tension, promotes wound healing, aids in ear disorders and swelling, helps heal lung and respiratory tract diseases, as well as cellular and digestive system disorders.
- At the energetic level: It cleanses the aura and transmutes negative energy, stimulating the chakras; It enhances spiritual awareness and blocks negative energies and geopathic tensions.
The Moonstonehelps to free us from bad thoughts, bad energies and to perform a personal catharsis often necessary to find the balance we seek in our lives. It is related to passionate love, the awakening of intuition, success in business and protection on land and sea, making it an ideal element for any frequent traveler.
Moonstone quartz is considered a stone that brings good omens to new couples, and protects their love against future problems or vicissitudes.
The Sodalite allows to unite logic with intuition, opening the spiritual perception while stimulating the third eye and deepening meditation.
It instills a true desire and idealistic drive, enabling you to be true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs.
The Sodalite has special properties, committed to help those in need, awaken intuition and enter into greater connection with your inner self, improving spirituality and breaking the barriers of what is energy, clearer and stronger.
The Labradorite aligns the physical and etheric bodies, stimulating intuition and psychic gifts. It dispels fears and insecurities, strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe, calms the overactive mind and promotes imagination, also brings contemplation and introspection.
The Tiger Eye combines the energy of the earth and the sun, integrates the cerebral hemispheres and anchors the high vibrational energy stimulating the ascent of the kundalini energy.
It helps to achieve our goals, recognizing our inner strength, relieves depression and elevates mood.
It energizes the emotional body, improves vision, soothes the throat and is ideal for the Root and Solar Plexus chakra.
The Silver is a bright white metal and is the best electrical conductor among metals.
The shine of this metal symbolizes Moonlight, and as such, it is related to our deepest emotions and can store information about the inner world of the wearer.
It is a powerful protector, as it distributes, neutralizes and eliminates negative energy from any source.
It helps to enhance dreams making them more lucid, beneficial and productive.
Being related to the moon and emotions, it stimulates clairvoyance and extrasensory perceptions and is the perfect ally to release negative emotions and tensions.