
Welcome everyone to a new entry in this your space in the Sacred Art blog. This time we will talk about the fascinating science "Astrology".

Astrology is considered one of the original sciences, along with Mathematics and Medicine. Known as the Science of analogies (Archetypes) between the movements of the stars in the firmament and the manifestation of this becoming on Earth. It assumes that it is possible to deduce from the position of the stars and our position time/space on earth; an individual predisposition (Inside) and dynamic with our environment (Outside).

The main instrument with which Astrology works is an energetic diagram "Astral Chart", an archetypal map of the positions of the sun, the moon and the planets.

Astrology is a science based on a set of rules like any other. These allow us to reach certain conclusions about an individual, leaving aside the belief that they are simply randomly generated ideas. They are a product of logic, not something random.

A basic principle of astrology is to recognize that the earth and the stars share a perceptible connection. Astrologers acquire their knowledge through experience gained over the years and through in-depth study. In its origin astrology probably arose from a mixture of observation, intuition and revelation.

We could also define Astrology as an Art since it works with symbols and images that in each horoscope (Archetype) form a new and unique design to be interpreted by the Astrologer. The art of astrology is undoubtedly one of the greatest cultural achievements of mankind that has been forged through centuries of study in various festivities and religious ideas around the world.

Astrology is a science integrated to the science of Astronomy, and the Art of its Psychological (Psyche-Soul) interpretation of each individual. But without a doubt we can also define Astrology as a science of the Spirit. Whoever decides to study it cannot avoid being surrounded by concepts such as origin, meaning and purpose from the human perspective. Astrology can also be defined as a holistic vision of the human being, his relationship with the Universe and with the Divine.

"Astrology: compendium of Sciences".

We are participants in opening our perception and senses, in accepting realities of which we are probably unaware and in accepting that knowledge is growth and growth allows us to fulfill our destiny of gratitude and divinity.

In Sacred Art we will continue to share this valuable information with you and then we will go deeper and deeper into Astrology to understand how its understanding, development and meanings work in the course of our lives on this predestined path to greatness.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading us again. See you next time

You are the most divine!



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