Do you know the benefits of Tantra?

We share with Love the benefits of the ancestral and beautiful practice of Initiatic tantra.

Tantra - Alchemy.

  • Fascinating understanding of the Symbology of the Universe.
  • Objective self-knowledge. Experienced and full recognition of our Being.
  • Healing of psycho-energetic blockages, on physical, emotional, affective, mental and spiritual levels.
  • Understanding and healing of sexuality. Healthy and sublime development of sexuality from the sacred experience.
  • Self-confidence. Independence. Healthy detachment. Dynamism. Sincerity. Discipline. Empathy, affective openness. Conscious communication.
  • Attention, focus. Development of intelligence. Memory improvement. Creativity, spontaneity.
  • Raises the level of IQ (Intelligence Quotient).
  • Development of spiritual capabilities. Subtle perceptions. Recognition and awakening of subtle bodies.
  • Connection and objective recognition of our own being. Awakening of our higher self, inner guide or christic being.
  • Meditative expansion. Those who practice meditation find that tantric practice generates greater deepening and expansion in their meditative practice.
  • Expansion of consciousness. Transcendence. Deep communion with the Conscious Universe (God). Daily and meditative states of revelation.
  • You will reveal God in you.

Women (she).

Every woman is multi-orgasmic. Regulates the menstrual cycle. Decreases, even suppresses premenstrual pain. Dissolves negative paradigms, heals current and ancestral wounds. Allows an open understanding of the feminine value in society. Develops and enhances femininity in fullness.

Develops empathy and beautiful communication with men (masculinity).

It generates lucid detachment and balance.

Men (the).

Every man is multi-orgasmic. Cures premature ejaculation.

Develops harmonious masculinity. Develops empathic awakening, capacity of understanding and beautiful communication with women (femininity).

It optimizes efficiency and generates balance. Man learns to alchemize (transform), instead of accumulating and exploiting.

Couple (them).

Every couple focused on the practice and growth in the tantric path is Multi-orgasmic.

In couples, it regenerates communication in love, affective, mental and spiritual levels. It regenerates the state of falling in love and deep communion. The loved ones access sublime states of shared consciousness, within and beyond the act of love... thus integrating beauty and gratitude, accomplice and shared in their daily lives.

The couple, recognizing individual capacities, is capable of accessing sublime states of orgasm on higher planes of consciousness whenever desired. In advanced stages, including states of enlightenment in lovemaking!

- Is it true that tantric prevents orgasms?

No, on the contrary. The tantric experiences in a love encounter an infinity of orgasms, both sexual as we know them, as well as in the form of refined, beautiful, concrete and sublime energies in his energetic body (aura).

The benefits are innumerable and in the practice itself they are deeply and pleasantly revealed.


Our Initiatic Tantra 1 course, given by Orai Shakta, Argentinean Tantric Initiate, director of Circles of Consciousness School (ECC). Who will travel specially from Chile to the sacred Mexican lands.

Love and Conscious Sexuality, a bridge to the Awakening of the Soul through Tantric Alchemy; life is transformed in a sublime way...


What is Tantra? What is not Tantra? Understanding the basics of the Tantric path, Vama Marga & Dakshina Marga. White, Red & Black Tantra.

Why practice Tantra? Why does Tantra give attention to Sexuality while other spiritual lines deny or ignore this essential human aspect? Symbology of the Universe, psychology of the elements and chakras, as an essential introduction to Tantric practice - from Kashmir Shivaism -, as a function of the process of Tantric Energetic Alchemy. Care of the Subtle Bodies. Offering of the Subtle Fruits (essential practice for the tantric aspirant).


Initiation to Tantra, Love & Sacred Sexuality.

Cosmic Orgasm - the man, woman and multi-orgasmic tantric couple from the consciousness of the Hindu line, Kashmir Shivaism. Tantric techniques and exercises. Initiation to Tantric Energetic Alchemy. Meditations. The Spiritual Couple, keys of consciousness and healing of our bonds to experience and express our individual and couple fullness.

- While there is a specific reason to address sexuality in the first step, this is not the focus of the tantric path.

"The revelation that Tantra offers to humanity is unique and transcendent for these times - as important as it is ignored. This revelation will produce in our existence, individual and collective, a more than certain and renovating step in the spiritual evolutionary scale". Orai Shakta, tantric initiate.

This is our sixth year presenting the tantric teaching in Latin America. Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Peru. No doubt you will be fascinated by the Tantra Course presented in PUEBLA.


INCLUDES * Electronic material with the synthesis of the concepts presented and practices performed. * Meditations in MP3. * Direct advice from the Instructor, via web, after the course. * Certificate of participation by Circles of Consciousness, School of Initiatic Tantra. *INCLUDES BREAKS (WITHOUT FOOD).

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM CIRCLES OF CONSCIOUSNESS: This course is oriented to self-knowledge through Tantric Consciousness. Serious Tantra schools do not promote facilitator training, because the Tantric path implies that the student (or disciple) practices extensively (years) and then the guide feels it is time to train him/her as a facilitator or teacher for another period. The easy access to titles of facilitator in Tantra is a simple deception (similar happens with tantric massage). It is important to approach Tantra with lucidity and empathy if you wish to develop profound results. We do not train facilitators. Your participation does not qualify you to provide the knowledge.


SALE $2,999.00 per person until September 29, 2018.

AFTER $3,333.00 per person

Place: CIUDAD DE PUEBLA Blvd Santo Tomás 135 Fracc lomas del Marmol Puebla, Pue. 72574

Whatsapp 2215256867

*We have a special lodging rate in a hotel near our facilities.

*In case of staying in our suggested Hotel, we will transport you from the Hotel to the Course and from the Course to the Hotel.

REFUNDS POLICY: a) No refunds will be made in the event that the participant does not attend the activity, without exception. b) In case of non-attendance, the place can be transferred to another person. e) In case of cancellation of the activity, 100% of the money will be refunded. f) By registering, you agree with all the items mentioned above.



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