Fourth Chakra: Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)

We have met and shared the blessings of the first three Chakras in this space of Sacred Art - Empowering your Being. And a crucial moment has arrived in our journey of knowledge towards divinity.

Of course we will talk about the next Chakra, one that functions as a point of balance between the previous three and the three we have yet to meet. The central Chakra that functions as a bridge and connection between the physical and the ethereal, between the human and the divine. Today you will learn more about Anahata Chakra: the Heart Chakra.

Anahata is located in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart. It is related to the colors green and pink and is intimately related to our cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as the sense of touch. It corresponds to the wind element. It is the center of the entire energy system and is in charge of one of the most powerful energies operating in human beings: love.

At this point the three lower chakras, which represent the material, vital and individual being, converge and integrate with the higher energies that give a spiritual, mental and metaphysical dimension to our being. It is in this energetic center where there is a more subtle manifestation of our transcendent character.

Anahata represents a significantly higher level of consciousness than its lower peers. In this sense, to move from the perception of the third chakra to the fourth chakra requires an important step: from fear to faith.

The literal meaning of "Anahata" from Sanskrit can be expressed as "unbreakable" or "the one who has not been beaten". Therefore, the love it represents is such a noble and powerful force that would be present constantly and unconditionally despite the wounds we have in our lives. It is that sacred light in every being, which is our true essence and which allows us to open our hearts in a loving and compassionate union.

The fourth chakra has the virtue of bringing joy and healing. The correct balance of Anahata Chakra can bring benefits such as invigoration, healing, flexibility and transcendence that this vibration brings. As mentioned before, it is associated with the sense of touch: with the faculty to get in touch with existence, to touch and be touched by the people who are part of our life, by all beings and things and by the universe itself.

The fourth chakra is expansive, wise, generous and universal. The expressions of this chakra give us qualities such as joy of life, devotion and trust in existence, the joy of connecting with others and feeling compassion for others.

This chakra implies going a step beyond ego issues to open oneself unconditionally, to surrender, accept and let oneself be enveloped by the sacredness and perfection of all that exists.

Not having a pure and moving energy in the fourth chakra can bring with it serious problems, especially when trying to connect with the energies of the universe and trying to express love in its purest and most sincere forms. Physically, an imbalance can lead to heart and respiratory ailments.

To make the energy flow correctly through Anahata Chakra requires mastery of the previous three, as well as the next three as it represents the bridge and connection between both groups. Having a centered energy and being willing to connect with divinity should be constant and permanent tasks to make Anahata Chakra a healthy and beneficial energy center for us.

That is why today's decree to strengthen Anahata Chakra should be done with a high level of consciousness. With total openness to feel the connection with the energies of everything around us and the universe itself. And with the willingness to receive the blessings that await within this energetic point.

Inhale and exhale green and pink, concentrate your energy in the central area of the chest and decree:

I Am and I Love .

The union of all the forces balanced in my Heart .

I Am and I Love.

The sweet Joy of my spiritual awakening.

I Am and I Love.

The healing of my Being, the communion with Life and unconditional Love.


We are now ready to connect with the higher Chakras and begin our connection to the divine forces that await beyond the material world. Next week we will begin this journey in which we hope to count on your company. We are honored by the pleasure of your reading and your participation in this space. Blessings on your Sacred Life.

Remember; you are the most Divine!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading us!



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