The animal spirit within all of us.

Welcome back to this space of knowledge in which we deal with various points that have to do with the matters that occupy us: the spiritual, the divine.

As we know, in nature there are multiple representations of divinity, since everything that exists here is the result of the actions of the universe itself. And all this also carries meanings that we humans do not always know how to interpret.

Such is the case of animals. Our wise ancestors have known how to interpret them as manifestations of nature that represent certain qualities of divinity. At present, we have decided to ignore these manifestations, betting more on the material, the visible, the verifiable by our senses.

These animals in turn represent spirits or also called totems that exist as guides for each of us, according to some of the oldest and most important traditions of shamanism.

What are the characteristics of these spirits and how do they intervene in our life? Today we are going to explain briefly.


This majestic animal is the representation of abundance and materialization, as well as the balance between the material and the divine, since it seems that this animal is always with the necessary means for its subsistence, as if it were the divine decree that finds these means for its survival.

Whoever possesses the animal spirit of the bison has the strength to face any situation. They also possess a certain confidence in the divine, without neglecting the material and mundane. They also have the confidence and effort to work and achieve their goals, and enjoy life to the fullest.

The horse.

The horse is an animal worthy of representing the delicate balance between nobility and endurance. No one can deny the power of a horse's gallop, but it is a gentle creature that, in its pegasus representation, also represents through its wings the feeling of freedom to which we all aspire.

When someone has the horse as an animal spirit, he has a very marked taste for physical and spiritual journeys. He does not run away from difficulties and faces them with aplomb, since he is made to overcome everything that comes his way, with strength and elegance. With decision and nobility.

The Hummingbird.

The hummingbird spirit manifests a strong representation of love and joy in the face of life. It is also an entity with total control over its actions as it can perform impressive maneuvers in flight that are unique to its species.

Those who have the hummingbird as a spirit animal know how to look for the best things in life by overcoming difficulties. Just as the hummingbird manages to find the nectar of the flowers overcoming obstacles such as distance, thorns and predators.

Just as hummingbird feathers have been used since the early days of shamanism to attract love, those who possess the spirit of the hummingbird have an almost supernatural understanding of feelings. They know how to recognize what they and others are feeling, creating unique and very special empathic bonds.

The Jaguar.

This animal has a presence like no other. Since ancient times, it was respected as one of the most fearsome animals on earth in the territories where it lived. Its precision and seemingly permanent calm have always been the object of admiration among diverse cultures. It is a brave animal, with versatility and vision like no other.

Those who possess the animal spirit of the jaguar are travelers and adventurers par excellence. They enjoy change and also have an incredible ability to bounce back after any eventuality. They can move freely, without fear. And they possess incredible psychic vision.

The Wolf.

The wolf spirit represents an ideal balance between individuality and a sense of belonging, whether with a partner or family. Likewise, with its keen senses and precise sense of direction, it can always recognize and take the path it seeks, regardless of any other difficulties.

Whoever possesses the animal spirit of the wolf carries with him the Great Master, a spiritual guide who will always show the best path to take in every decision of life and who, in turn, will allow sharing knowledge and teachings with others.

The Bear.

The bear is an introspective animal that does not take any decision or action without considering the consequences. It hunts what is necessary, eats what is necessary and migrates what is necessary to then surrender to a long sleep during the winter.

It is also a being that goes out of its way for its own. There are few animals in nature that can compare with a mother bear, who takes care of her cubs for several years with patience and affection.

Thus, those who possess the bear as a spirit animal also possess the ability to unfold and experience the dream world and the astral plane with greater ease. And they have a sense of belonging, responsibility and care that others cannot even imagine.

The Lion.

This majestic feline possesses a characteristic that many others lack; it lives in a herd. And it has a well-defined role in the herd that allows it to create a sense of belonging and usefulness to the group.

Those who possess the animal spirit of the lion have an unwavering courage in the face of life and develop exceptionally well in various groups, in various aspects of their existence. From this coexistence with others comes an extremely valuable learning experience that other people do not gain in a lifetime.

The Butterfly.

Nothing represents change and transformation like the butterfly, as it is the only being on earth capable of modifying its physical structure at the genetic level. And just as it goes through an incredible transformation from a caterpillar, it is also the representation of change and transformation at the spiritual level.

When one possesses the butterfly as a spirit animal, one also possesses the capacity to face change and to accept the constant transformation that is existence. Evolution is presented in steps, just as a caterpillar wraps itself in its cocoon to later develop wings and fly. And always from the inside out. And those who possess this animal spirit coexist with this introspection and change better than anyone else.

The Tiger.

This animal can be considered as the representation of power and courage. It is a fascinating creature that seems to know no fear, always moving forward after its prey in its sights, leaving aside other distractions and overcoming its own physical limitations to get what it wants.

Those who possess the animal spirit of the tiger can be considered unpredictable, but with a presence and wisdom that makes them stand out quickly. They possess self-confidence as they know they have the ability to thrive in any situation and a high intuition that allows them to stay one step ahead at all times.

The Owl.

The owl is an animal that does best at night. When others are asleep, it is the animal that hunts and flies where others cannot even imagine doing so. Likewise, the owl's flight can be as swift and majestic as that of an eagle, while remaining aware of its surroundings.

Those who possess the animal spirit of the owl develop the capacity for intuition and clairvoyance. They can sense, feel and see things that others cannot. And they can thrive in any environment by observing it, adapting to it and making the best of it. They are also people with a great capacity to make the right decisions through their presentiments, which are most of the time correct.

The Condor.

The condor is an animal that represents the connection between the earth and the sky, since it performs exceptionally well in one, but turns to see and visits the other to satisfy its needs, being respected in both places and maneuvering in both with unique security and confidence. They are masters of heaven and earth and there are not many entities that can stand in their way.

Those who possess the condor as an animal spirit have the consciousness of more than one reality. And they are able to visualize and understand even situations that are alien to them. They are self-confident, since the guidance they possess allows them to recognize that danger does not exist when things are done with confidence and determination. They are decisive, daring, and fearless in the face of fear.

The Eagle.

This bird flies with the freedom that many other creatures can only envy and is aware of it. It spreads its huge wings with confidence and glides using the air currents to its advantage. Without much effort, without wasting energy, like a free soul on the astral plane.

Those who possess the animal spirit of the eagle also possess a total sense of awareness of themselves and their surroundings. They are also courageous and capable of facing the unknown. This spirit endows them with patience and balance, both essential characteristics to know when and how to face each situation in life.

It is important that in our meditation sessions we try to recognize the characteristics of our totem or spirit guide and contemplate the characteristics they share with our own personality and way of being. This is how we will connect with divinity through its intervention and guidance. And that is how we will be able to take better advantage of the goodness that these spirits provide to our daily lives.

It has been a pleasure to walk this learning path together. Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading us.

You are most divine.



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