The most powerful healing tool and the key to our truth.

Our journey of knowledge through Sacred Geometry takes us to our next stop, and yes it is an exciting one for those passionate about the subject. Today we will learn about the energy field that surrounds our physical and subtle bodies; and at the same time that connects us to the electromagnetic field of the earth, it connects us to our "Higher Mental Body". Today we will talk about the Mer-Ka-Bah.

In order to explain this concept we must first learn about Prana, which is the invisible life force that exists throughout the universe infinitely. Flowing through all our multidimensional bodies.

From this vital Prana/flow we get as a result a field in the form of a tetrahedral star (also called Star of David from its 2D aspect, Plan view). And as a result of the counter-rotation we get a huge energy field that surrounds our body. This we call Mer-Ka-Bah, our geometrical body of light.

Mer-Ka-Bah potentiates and balances the activity in both hemispheres of our brain. Thus helping to strengthen our sensitivities and mental abilities. This field is also able to assist in our spiritual growth through a higher level of consciousness, allowing us to be a better version of ourselves, more elevated and connected to our higher self.

The Mer-Ka-Bah also allows us to feel unconditional love by connecting with others whose respective fields are in a state of harmony and potentiation. And it is even so powerful that it allows us to create the harmonious realities we desire.

However. The Mer-Ka-Bah does not perform these actions on its own. Alterations in the earth's electromagnetic field and the problems of modern life have caused our Mer-Ka-Bah to require special meditation and training, as well as external aids to enable us to access its full potential.

The meditation for the Mer-Ka-Bah consists of closing our eyes in a comfortable posture without modifying our breathing. Visualize this tetrahedral star in our chest. Beginning to breathe deeply, we make it begin to rotate faster and faster, increasing its size until it is no longer a star on our chest but a large three-dimensional oval that surrounds our whole body. This is how we get a solid visualization of this energy field, of our aura.

A healthy aura provides unparalleled mental clarity, allowing us to lead a simple and peaceful life, with the possibility of always overcoming any obstacle that may come our way.

The Merkabah is a state of consciousness that we should have reached thousands of years ago; through this sacred geometry we understand that we are one with the whole, and that the whole is one with us.

Likewise, it has been a symbol of unconditional love since the beginning of time. When a person carries the Mer-Ka-Bah, they carry with them a permanent reminder of the power we all possess within. Our Mer-Ka-Bah puts an end to the spiritual vices of modern life, putting an end to our obsession with the material, developing our consciousness and eliminating common negative feelings such as envy, fear and jealousy.

At Arte Sagrado we are very excited as we have been working on a Power Play related to the Mer-Ka-Bah and the 5D connection that will undoubtedly help all those willing to accept and harness its power. Keep an eye on our social media and website for more coming soon. Thank you, thank you, thank you for following us on this journey of discovery and knowledge.

You are the most divine!

You are the most divine!



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