El primary Chakra: Muladhara Chakra (Chakra Raiz)

Today is a special day, as we will begin our study of the "7 main chakras" in this sacred Sacred Art Sharing - Empowering your Being. We will identify each one of them and explain their characteristics so that with the help of this knowledge you can become aware of their nature, virtues, meanings and activation through their corresponding vibrational decree.

So open your mind, expand your heart and join us on a journey of knowledge that will undoubtedly reach a safe harbor full of blessings. Today let's talk about the "Muladhara Chakra, the first of our Chakras.

Physically located at the base of the coccyx, it is red in color and represents the earth element. It is also related to the sense of smell. Mentally it is related to the senses of survival, confidence, stability and power. Physically it manifests in the adrenal glands, circulatory system, skeletal system, teeth, nails, colon, legs and feet.

The first chakra constitutes the energy on which the other chakras develop, so it is the root of the energies that manifest within the body and on it depend bodily functions related to the strength of the skeletal system (bones, teeth and nails), as well as the proper functioning of the intestines, legs and feet. The first chakra supports our body in more than one way.

Its proper functioning is vital for spiritual development and the proper functioning of the rest of the chakras and, therefore, of our very existence. It is the first of the lower chakras, which are those that consolidate the most individual and thickest manifestation of our being (the material).

Its importance is also due to the fact that it is the energetic center that provides us with vital energy and is considered the root chakra since it is precisely the base of our energetic center for being the first of the seven main chakras and because its fullness is anchoring and taking root in our Mother Earth. Thus absorbing all her love and containment.

This first chakra is the center of the subtle energy cycles that yogic medicine identifies. It is the closest to our most basic and tribal nature and the furthest from our transcendent self, but that does not make it any less important as it is in charge of our survival and physical well-being. It is our most elemental self that requires a strong and deep connection to the earth as the provider of life, strength and protection.

As mentioned above, it manifests in red, which corresponds to the color of the most primitive energy of the earth and the life that emanates from it. Our most instinctive plane needs the first chakra to feel that it has shelter, food and clothing, but also that its well-being is assured.

It is also related to the natural cycles and needs of the body to develop its potential and help us grow physically and mentally. Therefore an energetic deficiency in this chakra can manifest in different ways; from insecurity and depression to health problems and instability.

What causes this chakra to weaken? Usually a drastic change in our life that causes energetic imbalance; an accident, a loss, a separation even. Feelings of aggressiveness, possessiveness or greed are clear symptoms of a weak root chakra in need of attention to regain harmony.

Strengthening it requires discipline and willingness to open and stimulate it. A good start is to seek communion with nature to resonate with its energies, as well as the practice of yoga in standing postures to give strength and stability or in sitting postures that stimulate the base of the spine. You can also help yourself with crystals, gemstones, colors, essences and sounds (especially a pure tone at 256 Hz). Everything is part of the same universe and everything allows you to gain strength through the connection we have with the universe.

Let us help you today with a decree that is also useful to strengthen and open the first chakra. Remember that for a decree to work, you must repeat it with conviction and certainty that when you finish saying it, it will come true and dedicating all your energies to make these words resonate throughout the universe and help you achieve your goals and purposes. Inhale and exhale Red color, concentrate your attention in the area of your Root Chakra and decree:

I am and I have the connection and rootedness with my mother earth.

I am and I have: stability, security, life force, physical health, prosperity.

I am and have self-respect.

It's done! It's done! It's done! It's done!

Decree this and begin to notice the changes and benefits. Empower your life through the knowledge and blessings you will receive. See you next time to learn about the second chakra. Blessings on your Sacred life - Remember; You are most Divine!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading us!



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