The fifth Chakra: Vishudda Chakra (Throat Chakra)

We have already studied the first 4 chakras, which help us to connect and channel the more earthly energies and we are about to cross the bridge to the divine and the spiritual. Today in Sacred Art - Empowering your Being we will take the next step together towards the spiritual chakras.

Let us begin then with the fifth Chakra: Vishudda Chakra.

This chakra is attuned to our metaphysical and universal being. Its literal translation from Sanskrit is "purification", referring to a clearer look that brings us closer to the truth of our universal being, unconditional bliss and harmony. In addition to a total cleansing of body and soul.

Vishudda is found in the throat and is closely related to the light blue or turquoise color and its bodily expression corresponds to the thyroid gland, throat, neck, mouth, teeth, jaw, ears, esophagus, upper lungs and arms. It corresponds to the ether element, which according to yogic science constitutes the means of communication of the different levels of existence.

This chakra also relates to the sense of hearing by expressing the importance of learning to listen to the inner voice that transcends our individuality. This is the energetic center of the expression of our purest self. And balancing it properly will allow us to find our most authentic and transcendental self.

As this happens, we perceive an intuitive knowledge that guides us and connects us to the whole in living our daily lives. The correct functioning of this energetic point is necessary for a healthy ego.

Creativity is a fundamental element belonging to this Chakra since it implies a form of heightened consciousness. What we call inspiration, the envisioning of new possibilities, the expression of our inner world and the desire to live fully in the present are related to Vishudda.

The fifth Chakra also helps us to have a connection between our physical and metaphysical being, to be more aware of ourselves, of the holistic nature of our being, and to observe our mind, emotions, acts, words and principles of life. This energetic center helps us to know ourselves in such a way that we can counteract mental, physical or emotional tendencies that unbalance us, always in favor of the cosmic consciousness.

This clarity also allows us to be in touch with our own Soul (that part of us that is sacred and possesses cosmic knowledge) and thus better understand what we want.

We begin to live on a more subtle plane, with more honesty towards ourselves and what we show of ourselves, knowing that we are part of an infinite and that we are still imperfect. We love and accept ourselves as we are and where we are, because also from here we can get in touch and express our true essence. We are interested in listening, seeing and learning.

To open this energetic center requires a feeling of acceptance, a healthy ego and a willingness to see and express what we really are, as well as the willingness to share it with others and the cosmos.

We are honored to share with you the decree to activate the energies of Vishudda Chakra. Inhale and exhale blue color, concentrate your energy in the throat area and decree:

I express

I am and I express

awareness and compassion

through my clear voice

I am and I express

the vibration that purifies, decrees and creates

with the mastery of the word

I am and I express

healthy communication in listening

and speak my own truth




Having begun to walk the bridge to the divine and the spiritual, we await you in the next installment to continue our study of the Chakras and the incredible and infinite benefits they represent for all of us. We are honored by the pleasure of your reading and your participation in this space. Blessings on your Sacred Life.

Remember; you are the most Divine!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading us!



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