The second chakra: Svadhisthana Chakra

Our journey of knowledge and sacred sharing continues to expand our being to know more about what happens in our body through the seven main chakras.

Today in this space of Sacred Art - Empowering your Being, we will learn about the second chakra: "Svadhisthana Charka". It is time to expand your mind, open your heart and continue with the blessings you are about to receive through the following lines.

Svadhisthana is located at the level of the sacrum in our body, is orange in color and is closely associated with the fluidity of water and our sense of taste. It is also related to our sexuality, emotions, capacity for joy, fertility and creativity. Physically it manifests in the stomach, urinary and reproductive system, as well as in the lower back.

The second chakra is closely related to feelings and emotions. When the energy flows properly through Svadhisthana Charka, we can manifest our emotions freely and in a healthy way without being too sensitive or too apathetic. Let us remember that it is all about maintaining a proper balance.

An energetic deficiency in our second chakra can manifest physically with stomach aches, colic, urinary infections and backaches. Similarly, a closure or imbalance in this energetic point can bring symptoms such as hypersensitivity, irritability, bitterness, creative blockage, sexual problems, attachment and mistrust, among others.

The vibration of Svadhisthana Chakra is related to sexuality as a creative force and not as a method of reproduction. The ability to enjoy the present through the vibration of this chakra allows us to feel connected to life through movement and permanent creation. Everything we live, eat, learn and feel becomes part of who we are and strengthens our being and our soul day by day.

When this chakra is in order, we have the capacity to be amazed and to live the moment fully through living our life as a constant reinvention of ourselves and experiencing every day learnings and experiences that help us in this permanent reconstruction of our being.

The correct functioning of Svadhisthana Chakra not only makes us more receptive but also more connected to the energies of the world and to others, which allows us to connect with them and attract what brings us joy and satisfaction.

Strengthening this chakra requires a strong will to leave uncertainty behind and look forward to what the new day brings. Meditation, color therapy and music therapy are useful for opening and stimulating this second chakra.

Once again, let us help you with a useful decree for the strengthening of Svadhisthana Chakra. Decree it with confidence and conviction, dedicating all your energies so that these words connect your energies with those of the universe itself and you can begin to attract all the best that life has for you.

Inhale and exhale orange color, concentrate your attention in the area of your Sacred Chakra and decree:

I feel, I am and I feel the power of divine creativity expressing itself through me.

I am and feel the healthy flow of my emotions and passion.

I am and feel the life force of my full sexuality, done is, done is, done is, done is.

By now having a stronger and more organized Root Chakra energy and allowing it to flow into your Sacral Chakra to fully enjoy the present and life, we are ready to begin our study of the third chakra. This we will do in our next text. Blessings on your Sacred life.

Remember; you are the most Divine!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading us!



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