Silicon and its importance in human ascension.

Our journey of knowledge continues in this space where we are honored to have your presence. Today we will talk about chemistry, but we will do it in a very peculiar way, as you have probably never read before. Let's talk about silicon and its very important role in the human ascension towards the divine.

We appreciate the blessing of your attention, let's begin...

All living things are largely composed of water. And it in turn contains molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids that can be found in all known life forms. These molecules have a basic structure composed of chains and rings of carbon atoms. To almost all carbon atoms are attached one or more hydrogen atoms. To a minority, however, are attached combinations of atoms such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus.

But can life be composed of something else? Are there other types of molecules that provide the complexity and versatility of life?

Silicon shares many similarities with carbon and can also bond to a maximum of four different atoms in four different directions. With this element, long and complicated chains of atoms in which silicon and oxygen alternate become possible. Each silicon atom can be bonded to two other atoms or groups of atoms, and such molecules are called "silicones".

Let us pause for a moment to define ascension, which is a cosmic cycle that is always happening in every given part of the universe. Nothing escapes ascension, whatever it is. It is a cyclic upward spiraling movement based on harmonic octaves and luminous sequences of light and love.

Ascension is a path of upward change, which step by step brings us closer to the Great Spirit; the "Homecoming".

As you can notice, the time in which the human being evolves from one state to another is shorter and shorter, and always in higher physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes and with a better understanding and AWARENESS of the universe to which we belong and are.

The next step will not be from one evolutionary state to another, but from one dimension to another. It will truly be what we call a quantum leap, since in the previous evolutionary changes of the human being he always remained with his carbon-based DNA, and in this Third Dimension.

On this occasion, the change will be radical and we will see our DNA change to the element silicon, the basis of the quartz crystal.

A quantum jump occurs when the atom undergoes a modification due to external forces that force it to mutate internally and thus modify it structurally.

The particles of light, also called photons, will be the cause of this change in the atom of the third dimensional matter, moving it towards a more subtle dimension but of higher frequencies, where it will find a new resonance. Therefore, during this change, the morphology of the human being will mutate towards the silicon element.

Many of us know it in our hearts: we are approaching an inexorable moment in our history as Human Beings. For those of us who live this reality as an energetic experience of expansion and connection, times have been accelerating. Abrupt growth, breaking of bonds, disappearance of ailments, heightened perceptions, limitless synchronicities... The signs are clear and we must be prepared for this ascension.

How can we prepare ourselves if there is so much we do not know? At this stage of our existence we have tools that will help us to facilitate this transition, we will briefly mention them below.

  • Meditate daily. The simpler your meditation is the easier it will be to incorporate this habit into your life. Daily meditation is the fuel for our body and soul to go through this time.
  • Clear intentions. Our lives require purpose. If you are clear about it, go ahead. If not, stop and define it so you know where you are going in this life.
  • Record your dreams. Our dreams are guiding us in the direction of our evolution as they always have. Try to remember even if you don't understand it. And share it with anyone who might be interested.
  • Practice detachment. Some of us have gone through life-changing experiences. It is important to recognize these situations, but it is even more important to learn to leave them behind and transform them. Genuinely say goodbye to what has already completed its cycle and you will discover that you will receive extraordinary energy in return.
  • Meet with those who share your philosophy of life. Generate your own networks and groups that can allow you to activate your consciousness and tune in with others.
  • Spend time in nature. It is important that you have exposure to the sun even for a few minutes a day. See the clouds, feel the wind... Connect with the natural world in every way possible.
  • Express yourself creatively. Art is an inherent quality of our species, so let your soul speak.
  • Rest. And we don't just mean getting more and better sleep, but also taking time for yourself, to relax and be quiet, to repair body and soul.

Great changes are coming and from now on we can prepare our existence to take a step closer to the divinity that rightfully belongs to us. We are pleased to have the favor of your accompaniment for this journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You are the most Divine!



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