Sacred Geometry: "The Point".

Our study of Sacred Geometry begins at the beginning, at the basis of all that is, was and will be. Today we study a fundamental part of geometry that is often ignored but which represents the primary source of everything: "the point".

Everything begins with a point: a line, a circumference, the universe, everything that exists in this dimension. The point as the minimum unit of the creation of the universe and the starting point of all existence.

For any expression of creation the point is the beginning. Literally the "starting point". Within the 7 laws of creation, the first law of emptiness states that everything in the universe arises from a zero point, from a dimensionless, adirectional Being, that is, from a space that, potentially, can be everything, but has not manifested. It is precisely in this potential of the point that its power lies. The power to create and to trace everything that does not yet exist. In order for this process to take place, the point also functions as an anchor space or axis of rotation from which the energy will implode or explode to give rise to creation.

But the point does not disappear when the process of creation begins. The point also acts as an ever-present entity in all existential processes. If we consider the living of our lives as a journey on a line, we will always find ourselves at a point in time and space and we will always use a point of reference to recall past experiences or await future events.

If we consider that everything also has a cycle and that there are processes in this universe that are cyclical, the point is the place to which everything returns.

The reason why we often ignore the importance of the point as a creative entity is because we have become accustomed to take it for granted, to consider that the beginning of all existence was something that happened a long time ago and has no great influence on our life. But the contemplation of the point and its influence on the universe is a permanent activity.

Thus, the point is directly related to the beginning and end of all kinds of creation. And just as everything began with this entity everything will end in it, so we must be aware of its power and, as we contemplate and study Sacred Geometry in our lives, not forget that everything has begun here and that the potential for great things begin in the same place. As we advance in this space of knowledge and learn more about other representations, always remember that this is the basis from which all that is divine begins.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading us!

You are most divine.



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