Sacred Geometry: the line.

Our study of Sacred Geometry continues. We began this journey some time ago studying the characteristics and properties of the point and the time has come to move on to the next divine manifestation that gives guideline to the rest of Geometry and through which all bodies pass: the time has come for us to study the line.

As we have mentioned before, everything begins with a point. When it receives a creative energy it begins to move and in doing so it acquires dimension. This is how it becomes the next geometric entity: the line. We understand by line a body that has length, but lacks width and thickness.

A line can move freely through the two-dimensional plane, so it can take any shape and configuration within this plane. A curved line is related to femininity, while a straight line represents masculinity. It is important that we do not lose sight of this freedom that the line possesses, as well as the fact that it is one of the building blocks of the composition of all bodies in nature, along with the point and the surface.

In Sacred Geometry, knowledge of meanings is everything. Let us begin by defining the differences between a vertical and a horizontal straight line. A vertical line, going in the direction of a higher plane, symbolizes the spiritual, while a horizontal line moving on the same level represents the material.

When a line crosses a body or object, we could come to understand it as a division, although in reality this does not always correspond to a physical division or a disconnection of an entity with the whole. The line has the capacity to divide segments so that they become part of a beautiful and perfect whole. Hence, for example, we can draw a line to have a golden ratio in elements of nature, art and architecture.

The power that a line has in Sacred Geometry comes from the creative energy that has given movement to the point to form something else. From this energy comes movement, which in turn begins to form other representations and bodies. All that exists, the absolute, is formed through this celestial movement and this energy that allows the lines to be brushstrokes of creation. A fundamental part of all that is created and manifested.

This is where the power of the line comes from; from its potential to create, divide and unite. For it is also through a line that we can divide to create a perfect balance and through it unite to form the parts of a whole. The creative energy that gives way to the line and the rest of the objects of creation is the power that this second building block of the whole has. And so this is worth observing and studying, to learn more about the formation of more complex and powerful elements.

Stay tuned to this space to learn more about the following representations that give way to Sacred Geometry and the blessings that await your life with this learning.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading us!

You are most divine.



1 thoughts on “Geometría Sagrada: la línea.”

  1. Irene Serral Montoro

    Llevo tiempo intentándolo interpretar. Pero la línea no simboliza la autoridad? Si es así me gustaría vuestra visión sobre autoridad. Porfavor. A ver si alguien me ayuda a entender más. Gracias

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