The Archangels on the metaphysical plane. Their gifts and blessings

Throughout our lives we have encountered stories, experiences or testimonies of the Archangels. These divine beings of light that manifest themselves in various ways in our lives and can improve it tremendously if we know how to take advantage of their presence.

Beyond the religious stories, the Archangels have great ability to heal and guide; they intervene to assist in the difficult moments of people's lives and that is why we must expand our knowledge about them not only to identify them but also to take advantage of their goodness at the time when we need them most.

This time we will talk about the 7 Archangels and how they can change our lives just with their divine presence. We thank you infinitely for joining us in this journey of knowledge, discovery and enlightenment. Let's begin.

The Archangel Uriel

He is known as the purifying Archangel and representative of peace. He is associated with the planet Venus. He is also assigned the Muladhara chakra (first chakra).

Uriel will help us to understand and transmute the negative into positive, as well as to interpret our dreams and our intuitions. This Archangel will help us find our inner Light and make us shine in the crowd.

The Archangel Gabriel

He is known as the Archangel of direction and revelation. He is associated with the Moon. He is also assigned the Svadhisthana chakra (second chakra).

Archangel Gabriel can help people with the doubts they may have about all aspects of life. He will help to keep emotions in balance and to enjoy them, expressing and feeling unconditional love that will help to find complete happiness and above all, to share this happiness with the beings with whom you share your life.

The Archangel Jophiel

He is known as the Archangel of illumination. He is associated with the planet Saturn. He is also assigned the Manipura chakra (third chakra).

Jophiel is the Archangel of vocations, professions, students, teachers, schools, institutes and universities. He is the symbol of fidelity, efficiency, responsibility, discipline, prudence, seriousness and honesty. It represents light because wisdom is clarity and ignorance is darkness.

The Archangel Camael

He is known as the archangel of love. He is identified with the planet Mars. He is also assigned the Anahata chakra (fourth chakra) or heart chakra.

Camael gives support to those who are lonely, lacking love and respect. It compassionately leads people to reunion and peace. It protects against envy and removes all feelings of bitterness.

Archangel Michael

He is known as the Archangel of justice. He is associated with the Sun. He is also assigned the Vissudha chakra (fifth chakra).

The representation of the Archangel Michael is the armor of a warrior or centurion soldier. He helps us in times of crisis immediately by offering us light and protecting us from evil. He propitiates courage in the face of adversity and protection. He fights against injustice and pride. His place is at the side of the humblest, the children and the helpless.

The Archangel Raphael

He is known as the Archangel who relieves the pains and sufferings of humanity. He is associated with the planet Mercury. He is also assigned the Ajna chakra (sixth chakra).

Raphael is the protector of the sick and his help is at all times when there is sickness, pain or affliction. He protects blessed marriages and watches over the happiness in homes. His Angels surround the health centers. He is the Archangel of healing and healing par excellence.

The Archangel Zadquiel

He is known as the guardian Archangel of Karma. He is associated with the planet Jupiter. He is also assigned the sahasrara chakra (seventh chakra).

He is the guardian of Karma; he is the keeper of the archives and records of people's past lives, of every individual, every human group and every community. He attempts to resolve people's karmic burdens through his spiritual influence aimed at developing and accepting the law of Forgiveness.


Surely in your sacred life you require the assistance of one of the archangels and their powers to help you. We have good news for you: you can call upon these divine beings for their protection and blessings to fall upon your sacred person. Visit our Sacred Art Store - Empowering your Being.

Remember; you are the most Divine!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading us!



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