Metatron's Cube Orgone Necklace with Amethyst

$666.00Win up to 666 Points.

Amethyst, Metatron's Cube, Orgone Orgone Power: Personal 
  • Orgone 4.4cm in diameter and 7 mm thick.
  • Copper machinery and bronze base.
  • Wooden symbol.
NOTE: Due to their nature, some of the pieces that make up this work of power may vary in detail, tone and color.


Dr. Willheim Reich described the Orgone as the cosmic energy that is part of all living matter. The name comes from "organism and orgasm", which refers to the vital energy and creative power.

An Orgone generator or energy transmuter is a compact and solid structure made to stimulate the piezoelectric properties of its materials and thus attract, accumulate, order and enhance the energy present, transforming the negative and chaotic electromagnetic waves into vital energy, harmonized and in perfect harmony with nature, which is reflected in restorative biological effects, which is why it has been used for therapeutic purposes due to its benefits in a wide range of applications. 


The Metatron's Cube is considered the pinnacle of ancient geometry and is a geometric body that is part of the "Flower of Life".

Its name comes from the Mighty Eighth of the Archangels, Metatron. Metatron is the guardian Archangel of our planet who lovingly intervenes for its highest good, he embodied his almic code in this symbol/code and when drawn in space, acts as a great protector and enhancer, protecting people and places.

This code is formed by thirteen circles and two tetrahedrons, which in turn form the Merkabah or body of light. It is an archetypal code loaded with power and information of reality and divine truths; Metatron is also the main conductor and user of the Metatronic energy, the one with which the universe itself was created, and has also been named as quantum or tachyon energy, depending on the science under which it is analyzed.

The power of this energy is manifested through thought, feeling and word, hence the idea that the universe was generated by a thought, a divine and wonderful thought, which gave way to the infinite and perfect creation of which we are an intimate part.


Amethyst is an extraordinarily powerful and protective stone, with a high spiritual vibration as it promotes love for the divine.

It protects from psychic attack, transmuting energy into love, it is a natural tranquilizer and beneficial for the mind, relaxing or stimulating it as needed, which is why it is recommended in cases of overactive mind or insomnia.

  • Mental: It is highly recommended to meditate and work with the sixth chakra, related to the third eye, as it opens the intuition, facilitating decision making.
  • Emotional: Dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety; Relieves sadness and grief, as it helps to integrate losses.
  • Physical: It boosts hormone production, relieves pain and relaxes muscle tension, promotes wound healing, aids in ear disorders and swelling, helps heal lung and respiratory tract diseases, as well as cellular and digestive system disorders.
  • EnergeticCleanses the aura and transmutes the negative energy, stimulating the chakras; It enhances spiritual awareness and blocks negative energies and geopathic tensions.

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