Orgone of the Magicians 7 Chakras Necklace in Gold Plate

$1,666.00Win up to 1,666 Points.

7 quartz, Orgone Orgone power: 1m
  • Orgone of 4.5cm diameter and 7 mm thickness.
  • Copper machinery and bronze base.
  • Gold Plate Symbol
NOTE: Due to their nature, some of the pieces that make up this work of power may vary in detail, tone and color.


Dr. Willheim Reich described the Orgone as the cosmic energy that is part of all living matter. The name comes from "organism and orgasm", which refers to the vital energy and creative power.

An Orgone generator or energy transmuter is a compact and solid structure made to stimulate the piezoelectric properties of its materials and thus attract, accumulate, order and enhance the energy present, transforming the negative and chaotic electromagnetic waves into vital energy, harmonized and in perfect harmony with nature, which is reflected in restorative biological effects, which is why it has been used for therapeutic purposes due to its benefits in a wide range of applications.

  The inspiration of Power Works for our 7th ANNIVERSARY:
  • Number 7: Balance
  • Vector in equilibrium / Merkabah: Development
  • 7 Chakras : Integration and harmony
About number 7: Our line ofa 7 ANNIVERSARY is inspired by this number/power code; by which Universal growth and spirituality is expressed.
  • The 7 colors of the rainbow
  • The 7 musical notes
  • The 7 Chakras
  • The 7 Archangels
  • The 7 days of creation
  • The 7 levels of Consciousness

We created this necklace of Power with these 7 levels of consciousness expressed in our main 7 Chakras or vortexes of consciousness; represented by different quartz, which when vibrating in different energetic tonality, express different colors.

In our works of power we have unified the diversity of these 7 consciousnesses; to realize the totality of the Self. As well as the Human Being with its 7 chakras in full function and harmony.

First Chakra; "Muladhara" or Rai chakra. Decree and longing of the Soul: "I Have".

Second Chakra; Swadisthana or Sacral chakra. Decree and longing of the Soul: "I Desire".

Third Chakra; Manipura or Solar Plexus chakra. Decree and yearning of the Soul: "I Can".

Fourth Chakra; Anahata or Heart chakra. Decree and longing of the Soul: "I Love".

Fifth Chakra; Visudda or Garganta chakra. Decree and longing of the Soul: "I express".

Sixth Chakra; Ajna or third eye chakra. Decree and longing of the Soul: "I Understand".

Seventh Chakra; Sahasrara or Crown chakra. Decree and yearning of the Soul: "I Am".

Necklace Orgone White Quartz of high jewelry of 4.4 cm diameter symbol with inlay of 7 stones.

2 versions:
  • Stainless steel chain
  • Adjustable fabric cord

Handcrafted products

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In case of special sales such as Anniversary Sales, HotSale, Buen Fin and Christmas, delivery time can be up to 15 to 20 business days.

However we want to serve you in the best way so if you have any questions about the status of your order you can contact us at: +52 222 848 5826

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