Triple bracelet Trina Flame in 0.925 Silver with Sodalite, Rose Quartz and Citrine

$777.00Win up to 777 Points.

Trina Flame, Sodalite, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Silver 0.925
  • 6mm beads with symbol and details in sterling silver 0.925
  • Woven - Adjustable
This bracelet promotes the balance of these 3 primary forces in us.
  • Sodalite -Blue Lightning - Father
  • Cuarzo rosa - Rayo Rosa - Mother
  • Citrine - Yellow Ray - Son
NOTE: Due to their nature, some of the pieces that make up this bracelet may vary in detail, tone and color.


We are unlimited beings of Light, we come out of the Spirit, and our Spiritual Heart is The Triple Flame.

It is the balance of the Trinity of the Spirit of the Father, Mother and Son. It is the signature of our Divinity and our bloodline. The three rays of the Threefold Flame are each an emanation of the One, the threefold power, the Trinity.

  • The Blue Ray is the emanation of the Father as power, will, communication and strength.
  • The pink Ray is the emanation of the Mother: Love, beauty and compassion.
  • Yellow is the emanation of the Son: Wisdom, illumination and joy.
With this, we have within us all the forms of God. We are born free to Be ALL that we create of ourselves, through our conscious understanding of who we are, universal beings of God.  

The Sodalite allows to unite logic with intuition, opening the spiritual perception while stimulating the third eye and deepening meditation. 

It instills a true desire and idealistic drive, enabling you to be true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs.


The Pink Quartz is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace and is the most important stone for the heart, as it manifests the true essence of love; it purifies and opens the heart at all levels. 

It brings deep communication, calms and increases self-confidence and self-assurance.

Rose quartz gently extracts negative energy and replaces it with more subtle and loving energy vibrations, it is an excellent transmuter of unexpressed emotions.

In health Rose Quartz strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system, stimulates the thymus gland. It helps in cases of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and senile dementia.


The Citrine helps the manifestation of prosperity, particularly if combined with the power of affirmations.

Because of its ability to activate the Solar Plexus, which is the seat of the will, it will help you to be decisive and assertive about what you can attract into your life.

One of the lesser known properties of these crystals is their strong ability to calm fear and anxiety. By letting go of your fear you accept into your life the good that comes your way, i.e. prosperity.

It will help you heal ego issues coming from the solar plexus, also known as the personal power chakra.

Citrine will also help you release etheric blockages within your chakras.

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Consigue este Pulsera triple Llama Trina en Plata 0.925 con Sodalita, Cuarzo Rosa y Citrino a $777.00

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