Double Sight Power Ring, Metatron's Cube and Seed of Life in Sterling Silver 0.925

$999.00$1,111.00Win up to 1,111 Points.

Metatron Cube, Seed of Life, Silver 0.925 Our ring is a work of art hand made and hand painted by our master goldsmith.


The Metatron's Cube es considerado el pináculo de la geometría antigua y es un cuerpo geométrico que forma parte de la “Flor de la Vida”. Su nombre proviene del Poderoso Octavo de los Arcángeles, Metatrón.Metatrón es el Arcángel guardián de nuestro planeta que interviene Amorosamente para su más alto bien; Metatrón plasmó su código Álmico en este símbolo/código y al ser dibujado en el espacio actúa como un gran protector y potenciador, protegiendo a personas y lugares.

This code is formed by thirteen circles, two tetrahedrons, which in turn form the Merkabah or body of light. An archetypal code loaded with Power and information of the reality and Divine Truths; that is why Metatron is also the main conductor and user of the Metatronic Energy, the one with which the universe itself was created. And that has known other names such as quantum or tachyon energy, depending on the science under which it is analyzed.

Defining this energy is not as difficult as it might be considered. The power of this energy is that which manifests itself through thought, feeling and word. This is the origin of the idea that the universe was generated by a thought, a divine and marvelous thought that gave way to the infinite and perfect creation of which we are an intimate part.


The Seed of Life es una fase anterior a la forma conocida como la “Flor de la Vida”. En la Semilla de la Vida se realizan los primeros 7 movimientos de la creación, contiene cada uno de los átomos, estructuras moleculares, formas de vida y eventualmente todo lo que existe. Por lo tanto, todas las cosas que existen pueden ser construidas desde la forma de la Semilla de la Vida.


The Silver is a bright white metal and is the best electrical conductor among metals.

The shine of this metal symbolizes Moonlight, and as such, it is related to our deepest emotions and can store information about the inner world of the wearer.

It is a powerful protector, as it distributes, neutralizes and eliminates negative energy from any source.

It helps to enhance dreams making them more lucid, beneficial and productive.

Being related to the moon and emotions, it stimulates clairvoyance and extrasensory perceptions and is the perfect ally to release negative emotions and tensions.

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Shipments are made by FedEx and delivery time is 7 to 10 business days.

In case of special sales such as Anniversary Sales, HotSale, Buen Fin and Christmas, delivery time can be up to 15 to 20 business days.

However we want to serve you in the best way so if you have any questions about the status of your order you can contact us at: +52 222 848 5826

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Consigue este Anillo de poder doble vista, Cubo de Metatrón y Semilla de la Vida en Plata 0.925 a $999.00

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