Our Astrological Line concentrates the symbols and energetic charges of the original archetypes of the Great Spirit.
It has been inspired and empowered by the wisdom of Celtic Runes, Mayan mathematical counting, Sacred Geometry, planetary charge, constellation, zodiac sign, gemological correspondence and colorimetry. Thus achieving powerful works whose purpose is to bring the archetypal and energetic power to anyone, anywhere, regardless of their zodiac sign.
Pisces characteristics: I analyze.
Decree: I believe in you, as the only source that sustains the love that I generate.
Modality: Mutable land.
Ruling Astro: Neptune.
The Labradorite aligns the physical and etheric bodies, stimulating intuition and psychic gifts. It dispels fears and insecurities, strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe, calms the overactive mind and promotes imagination, also brings contemplation and introspection.
The Pearls are a symbol of patience, high sensitivity, femininity and innocence.
They are related to the moon and the feminine aspect, they are often used in night rituals, especially to attract love, money, protection or good luck.
The mystical powers of the pearl make people go inside themselves to find their true self, thus reaching the real meaning of life.
- Vitality.
- Good luck.
- Balance.
- Clears the mind.
The Silver is a bright white metal and is the best electrical conductor among metals.
The shine of this metal symbolizes Moonlight, and as such, it is related to our deepest emotions and can store information about the inner world of the wearer.
It is a powerful protector, as it distributes, neutralizes and eliminates negative energy from any source.
It helps to enhance dreams making them more lucid, beneficial and productive.
Being related to the moon and emotions, it stimulates clairvoyance and extrasensory perceptions and is the perfect ally to release negative emotions and tensions.