Mega Pyramid Orgonite Vector in Equilibrium with Pyrite

$13,000.00Buy and win 13,000 Points!

Pyrite, Vector in Equilibrium, Orgone   We create your orgone through 28 artisanal processes of refinement and energetics.    Orgone power: 500m
  • Orgone Pyramid of 30cm per side and 33cm high.
  • Copper machinery and bronze base.
  • Wooden symbol.


Dr. Willheim Reich described the Orgone as the cosmic energy that is part of all living matter. The name comes from "organism and orgasm", which refers to the vital energy and creative power.

An orgone generator or energy transmuter is a compact and solid structure made to stimulate the piezoelectric properties of its materials and thus attract, accumulate, order and enhance the energy present, transforming the negative and chaotic electromagnetic waves into vital energy, harmonized and in perfect harmony with nature, which is reflected in restorative biological effects, which is why it has been used for therapeutic purposes due to its benefits in a wide range of applications. 


The Vector in Equilibrium is the masculine aspect and generating center of the "Flower of Life". It has exactly 13 vertices; a central one, plus the outer ones that define the 12 directions in space (The 12 energetic archetypes).

The Equilibrium Vector is the only geometry and possibility among all the possibilities that harbors a perfect balance of forces. It is the only configuration in which the length of the polyhedral edges is equal to the radial distance from its center of gravity to any vertex.


The Pyrite is the quartz of abundance, power and prosperity. It strengthens and empowers masculine energy; it enhances productivity, order and structure.

Helps to increase security and self-confidence, stops energetic leakage from the physical body and aura. Expands and structures mental functions.

It strengthens the digestive system, neutralizes toxins, stimulates cell formation and repairs DNA. 

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Shipments are made by FedEx and delivery time is 7 to 10 business days.

In case of special sales such as Anniversary Sales, HotSale, Buen Fin and Christmas, delivery time can be up to 15 to 20 business days.

However we want to serve you in the best way so if you have any questions about the status of your order you can contact us at: +52 222 848 5826

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