Our Astrological Line concentrates the symbols and energetic charges of the original archetypes of the Great Spirit.
It has been inspired and empowered by the wisdom of Celtic Runes, Mayan mathematical counting, Sacred Geometry, planetary charge, constellation, zodiac sign, gemological correspondence and colorimetry. Thus achieving powerful works whose purpose is to bring the archetypal and energetic power to anyone, anywhere, regardless of their zodiac sign.
Aries Characteristics:
Decree: I am one with you Great Spirit.
Modality: Fire Cardinal
Ruling Astro: Mars
Red Jasper has been used since Roman times as a lucky talisman, they assured that if they wore a red jasper they were much more likely to win in battles. Now we understand it clearly, because we know that the Red Jasper works and stimulates the first chakra. "Strength and Vitality".
Virtues of Red Jasper:
A good protector is the red jasper, which blocks all dark energy coming from spells, witchcraft or evil spells, rejects them and sometimes even works as a mirror, returning such negative energies, it also offers protection to travelers.
Eliminate fears:
Another important benefit obtained by the wearers of red jasper, is to eliminate all kinds of fear that paralyzes a person, fear to undertake, fear to take a step, fear to confess something to another person, fear to make a decision, all kinds of fear can be erased from your mind thanks to the red jasper. It helps to remove all those thoughts of negativity and see things from an always optimistic point of view.
The Tiger Eye combines the energy of the earth and the sun, integrates the cerebral hemispheres and anchors the high vibrational energy stimulating the ascent of the kundalini energy.
It helps to achieve our goals, recognizing our inner strength, relieves depression and elevates mood.
It energizes the emotional body, improves vision, soothes the throat and is ideal for the Root and Solar Plexus chakra.