The Tiger Eye combines the energy of the earth and the sun, integrates the cerebral hemispheres and anchors the high vibrational energy stimulating the ascent of the kundalini energy.
It helps to achieve our goals, recognizing our inner strength, relieves depression and elevates mood.
It energizes the emotional body, improves vision, soothes the throat and is ideal for the Root and Solar Plexus chakra.
The Ox Eye It is considered a stone of strength and will, promotes security and integrity, promotes physical endurance and protection from dense energies.
It is associated with the 2nd chakra and symbolizes rooting and connection to mother earth.
The mantra Om Mani Padme Hum in its lotus form, is one of the highest mantras in Tibet; a hymn to compassion and great respect for existence. A work of power charged with high frequency and consciousness.
The mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, refers to the six paramitas or transcendental virtues: generosity, ethics, patience, diligence, concentration and wisdom.
Each of the syllables of the mantra om mani padme hum is in itself a mantra that evokes the body, speech, mind, virtues and actions of the Buddhas, to finally link with the six essential wisdoms: that of equanimity, activity, immanent wisdom, dharma wisdom, discrimination, and mirror-like wisdom.
It alludes to the idea of wisdom, altruism and compassion, the latter to be understood as the essence of spiritual life and as a form of love oriented to true wisdom, it is about achieving mastery over the spirit of man as a whole.