Harmonizing Anti Radiation Vector in Balance Harmonizing Cell Phone Holder with various quartz to choose from

$555.00Win up to 555 Points.

Balancing Vector, White Quartz, Rose, Citrine, Blue Agate, Amethyst, Blue Aventurine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper, Malachite, Black Tourmaline, Orgone

Orgone power: 1
  • Copper machinery and bronze base.
  • Wooden symbol.
NOTE: Due to their nature, some of the pieces that make up this work of power may vary in detail, tone and color.


Dr. Willheim Reich described the Orgone as the cosmic energy that is part of all living matter. The name comes from "organism and orgasm", which refers to the vital energy and creative power.

An orgone generator or energy transmuter is a compact and solid structure made to stimulate the piezoelectric properties of its materials and thus attract, accumulate, order and enhance the energy present, transforming the negative and chaotic electromagnetic waves into vital energy, harmonized and in perfect harmony with nature, which is reflected in restorative biological effects, which is why it has been used for therapeutic purposes due to its benefits in a wide range of applications.


Electronic devices emit electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which is harmful to our neutral cells.

This shield neutralizes harmonizing a large percentage of EMF or EMR that comes through radio and telephony devices. It absorbs and transfers the electromagnetic radiation waves by using its composition and materials quartz and copper spiral and reduces the impact of cell phone radiation on the brain and body.

Reduces inflammation in the body caused by EMF.

Improves blood circulation, immune and endocrine system in the body. Increases your focus, energy and concentration. Helps protect against DNA damage. Maintains a positive flow of energy throughout the body.


The Vector in Equilibrium es el aspecto masculino y centro generador de la “Flor de la Vida”. Tiene exactamente 13 vértices; uno central, más los exteriores que definen las 12 direcciones en el espacio. (Los 12 arquetipos energéticos). El Vector en Equilibrio es la única geometría y posibilidad entre todas las posibilidades que alberga un equilibrio perfecto de fuerzas. Es la única configuración en la cual la longitud de las aristas poliédricas es igual a la distancia radial desde su centro de gravedad hasta cualquier vértice.

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Consigue este Sujetador Armonizante Anti Radiación Vector en Equilibrio para celular con varios cuarzos a elegir a $555.00

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