Sacred Geometry is a WAY TO UNDERSTAND who we are, where we come from and where we are going. It is the fingerprint of creation; an interface between the evident and the non-evident, the manifest and the unmanifest, the finite and the infinite. From the mosaics of the Middle East and the pyramids of Ancient Egypt, to the calendars of the Aztecs and the Taoist philosophy and medicines of India, Tibet and China, Sacred Geometry has long linked the world of spirit and matter, Heaven and Earth. It continues to play an integral role in the traditions of art, architecture, science and avant-garde physics, Feng Shui and geomancy, music and mathematics. Sacred Geometry shows how whenever two lines intersect, they have to deduce how to distribute and share their pressures or self-destruct. The result of this test for "sharing" is called symmetry. All waves, and eggs, and people, and stars, survive in their world to the extent that they learn to match each other. We now know the exact geometry of perfect matching. It is teachable, and it is the important key to Feng Shui, architecture and sacred design. When waves can coincide to meet sustainably they are called "Sacred".

All actions obey distinct patterns, and Sacred Geometry describes these laws through figures, shapes and proportions. It is a universal language of pure truths based on the inner workings of nature. To truly understand Sacred Geometry, we have to understand that everything in the universe is made of energy and that this energy is in an incessant state of transformation. Energy can be defined in terms of frequency and harmonics - even the structure of the human body is based on the same principles that are at work on all levels of creation. Our bodies contain holographically all the information of the universe - geometric knowledge is innate within us and we are naturally harmonized with the harmonics of the universe, before birth, during life and after death. Sacred geometry gives us the opportunity to take a WIDE VIEW, see ourselves and place ourselves in our place in the world. Once mastered, it can be applied to healing, psychological support, biofeedback, research, teaching, design and the creation of PEACE, HAPPINESS and UNITY. Author Dan Winter / Translation: Arturo Ponce de León / Collaboration: Ninón Fregoso



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