Dr. Willheim Reich described the Orgone as the cosmic energy that is part of all living matter. The name comes from "organism and orgasm", which refers to the vital energy and creative power.
An orgone generator or energy transmuter is a compact and solid structure made to stimulate the piezoelectric properties of its materials and thus attract, accumulate, order and enhance the energy present, transforming the negative and chaotic electromagnetic waves into vital energy, harmonized and in perfect harmony with nature, which is reflected in restorative biological effects, which is why it has been used for therapeutic purposes due to its benefits in a wide range of applications.
The Triskel or Triskelalso called trikele or trinacria, is a Celtic geometric and curvilinear symbol formed by three spiral arms that meet at a central point, circle or triangle, forming the shape of a helix, it is similar to the swastika or the tetraskel, one of the differences is that the latter have four arms forming 90º angles. Three is the most sacred number for the Celtic culture, and represents perfection and balance.
It is the supreme symbol of the Druids, according to Celtic culture, and they were the only ones who could carry this sacred and magical symbol that for them represented learning, and the past, present and future. It also represents the balance between body, mind and spirit, the beginning and the end, evolution and growth, perpetual learning and eternal evolution. It was used for its healing capacity, to heal wounds and alleviate fevers, and therefore, as a talisman.
For the Druids, the first spiral represents sensations and senses, the limits and capabilities of the body, the second spiral represents consciousness and reason, the path of ideas and thought, and the third spiral, called triskillan, represents the hard path of the soul, learning from the world of the spirit and the gods.
Amethyst is an extraordinarily powerful and protective stone, with a high spiritual vibration as it promotes love for the divine.
It protects from psychic attack, transmuting energy into love, it is a natural tranquilizer and beneficial for the mind, relaxing or stimulating it as needed, which is why it is recommended in cases of overactive mind or insomnia.
- On a mental level: It is highly recommended to meditate and work with the sixth chakra, related to the third eye, as it opens the intuition, facilitating decision making.
- Emotionally: Dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety; Relieves sadness and grief, as it helps to integrate losses.
- On a physical level: It boosts hormone production, relieves pain and relaxes muscle tension, promotes wound healing, aids in ear disorders and swelling, helps heal lung and respiratory tract diseases, as well as cellular and digestive system disorders.
- At the energetic level: It cleanses the aura and transmutes negative energy, stimulating the chakras; It enhances spiritual awareness and blocks negative energies and geopathic tensions.
The White Quartzhas the property of balancing and harmonizing our bodies, tuning into our needs to heal, cleanse and help us connect to our spiritual purpose.
It is also called the Stone of Power for transmitting, projecting, channeling and activating all the energetic forms we know; harmonizing and purifying our vibratory level.
It relieves all types of pain, accelerates healing, revitalizes cells and stimulates collagen formation.
Red Jasper has been used since Roman times as a lucky talisman, they assured that if they wore a red jasper they were much more likely to win in battles. Now we understand it clearly, because we know that the Red Jasper works and stimulates the first chakra. "Strength and Vitality".
- Protector: A good protector is the red jasper, which blocks all dark energy coming from spells, witchcraft or evil spells, rejects them and sometimes even works as a mirror, returning such negative energies, it also offers protection to travelers.
- Eliminates fears: Another important benefit obtained by the wearers of red jasper, is to eliminate all kinds of fear that paralyzes a person, fear to undertake, fear to take a step, fear to confess something to another person, fear to make a decision, all kinds of fear can be erased from your mind thanks to the red jasper. It helps to remove all those thoughts of negativity and see things from an always optimistic point of view.
The Malachite is a mineral that has to be treated with caution because of its enormous power, as it amplifies both positive and negative energies. It is an important protective stone as it absorbs in a very easy way the negative energies of the body.
It cleanses and activates the chakras. Placed on the third eye, it activates visualization and psychic vision and, placed on the heart, it brings balance and harmony.
Psychologically it is a stone of transformation, it shows all that hinders your spiritual growth, it breaks unwanted bonds and teaches you to assume responsibilities.
Mentally helps you go to the heart of the problem with intuition and understanding. Strengthens the ability to absorb and process information.
You can use it in several ways. On the solar plexus to balance the heart and navel chakras and absorb negative energies. As an elixir you must be careful to use rolled and do it in an indirect way and, to help healing, wear it on the left hand or over the third eye.
The Black Tourmaline is a shamanic quartz that provides protection from any negative energy.
It neutralizes psychic, physical attacks and enchantments, promotes self-confidence, reduces fear and also helps to increase physical vitality, dispersing tension and stress. It strengthens the immune system, treats dyslexia and arthritis.