Balancing Vector Symbol in 14k Gold Plated 2 centimeters in diameter.

$444.00$666.00Win up to 666 Points.

Quartz (various), Vector in Equilibrium, Silver 0.925
  • Cuentas de 6mm
  • Vector symbol in balance in 0.925 silver
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The Vector in Equilibrium is the masculine aspect and generating center of the "Flower of Life". It has exactly 13 vertices; a central one, plus the outer ones that define the 12 directions in space (The 12 energetic archetypes).

It is the only geometry and possibility that harbors a perfect balance of forces. It is the only configuration in which the length of the polyhedral edges is equal to the radial distance from its center of gravity to any vertex.


The Bronzita is a regulating stone par excellence, linked to the heart and solar plexus chakras. It helps to stabilize liver functions, menstrual cycles, hormonal secretions and blood circulation.

Emotionally and spiritually, it is considered a stone of well-being, giving peace and tranquility. The calming properties of bronzite are believed to help relieve cramps and prevent their return by relaxing the muscles and facilitating their blood circulation. 


The Obsidian is a highly protective stone, which operates with extreme speed and great power. Its attributes are truth and reflective power that helps us expose our faults, weaknesses and blockages, pointing out how to improve and get better results, brings us personal empowerment and drives us to grow.


The Tiger Eye combines the energy of the earth and the sun, integrates the cerebral hemispheres and anchors the high vibrational energy stimulating the ascent of the kundalini energy.

It helps to achieve our goals, recognizing our inner strength, relieves depression and elevates mood.

It energizes the emotional body, improves vision, soothes the throat and is ideal for the Root and Solar Plexus chakra.


The Silver is a bright white metal and is the best electrical conductor among metals.

The shine of this metal symbolizes Moonlight, and as such, it is related to our deepest emotions and can store information about the inner world of the wearer.

It is a powerful protector, as it distributes, neutralizes and eliminates negative energy from any source.

It helps to enhance dreams making them more lucid, beneficial and productive.

Being related to the moon and emotions, it stimulates clairvoyance and extrasensory perceptions and is the perfect ally to release negative emotions and tensions.


The Ox Eye It is considered a stone of strength and will, promotes security and integrity, promotes physical endurance and protection from dense energies.

It is associated with the 2nd chakra and symbolizes rooting and connection to mother earth.


The Labradorite aligns the physical and etheric bodies, stimulating intuition and psychic gifts. It dispels fears and insecurities, strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe, calms the overactive mind and promotes imagination, also brings contemplation and introspection.

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In case of special sales such as Anniversary Sales, HotSale, Buen Fin and Christmas, delivery time can be up to 15 to 20 business days.

However we want to serve you in the best way so if you have any questions about the status of your order you can contact us at: +52 222 848 5826

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